The biggest mistakes during the book writing process

Writing a book is a personal experience, even if it’s a work-related book. It takes a lot of energy, mental and physical, to put words together into sentences for other people to read. The whole process of writing is always fraught with setbacks, frustration, and challenges. So let’s take a look at a few mistakes that often happen when writing a book.

First, don’t edit as you go! Give your inner critic some time off; nobody will see this book until you’re ready to show them. So write your heart out without stopping to fix grammar, spelling, presentation, or structure. Just write; save the editing for later.Another common mistake is not having a plan.

As mentioned last week, you want to have some kind of plan for the structure of your book. Even if your work doesn’t strictly follow that plan, your plan will help guide you through the next steps towards your overall goal.The third mistake is focusing on the wrong goals with your words.

Some writers think good writing uses lots of big words, but it is more important that your audience can easily understand you. And your words should always show your audience, rather than telling them. For example, instead of saying, “She was mad,” you could say, “She frowned as she screamed, ‘Don’t do that!'”Finally, the biggest mistake is not hiring an editor. Always, always have a professional editor review your book before you submit it to a publisher. Make sure the editor is not someone who is your friend or relative; there are too many potential biases. Instead, hire an editor who has experience in working with books (especially in your genre), and will be honest with you without destroying your work or being too gentle. A good editor will also encourage you and may help you establish goals along the way.So there you have it: don’t edit as you go, have a general plan, write with natural vocabulary, and bring in a professional editor.

Video description: Savory Words owner Trudy Suggs sits in front of a beige wall that shows the Savory Words sign. Behind her is a simple wood-and-metal desk, with several Savory Words books held together by typewriter-design bookends, and a lamp. Trudy is wearing a teal green shirt with a gray cardigan over; she has on dangly silver earrings.Image description: A square with rust bars on top and bottom shows on the left in a brown block, in white text, "The biggest mistakes during the book writing process." On the right in white is a picture of a Black woman wearing a rust-and-white polka dot blouse. She is bent over a notebook, writing. In the background is an iMac with text on screen. At bottom of this square is the Savory Words logo. 


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